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Covachem/NHS-LC-Biotin (NHS-X-Biotin)/14203-100/100 mg188bio精品生物—专注于实验室精品爆款的电商平台 - 蚂蚁淘旗下精选188款生物医学科研用品
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Covachem/NHS-LC-Biotin (NHS-X-Biotin)/14203-100/100 mg

NHS-LC-Biotin Product Description

NHS-LC-Biotin (NHS-X-Biotin) is a long chain amine reactive biotinylation reagent. NHS-LC-Biotin reacts efficiently and irreversibly with a wide range of compounds containing primary amine (-NH2) residues, including proteins, antibodies and other biomolecules.

NHS-LC-Biotin contains a biotin moeity, an elongated alkyl chain spacer arm and an active NHS ester. This biotinylation compound is membrane permeable, making it well suited for intracellular protein labeling. This compound should initially dissolved in a high quality, molecular biology grade, anhydrous solvent, such as DMSO (CovaChem 18252) or DMF (CovaChem 18251). Once reconstituted, this compound can be used in organic solvent, or amine free, near neutral buffer, such as PBS, pH 7.2 (CovaChem 19213).


Package Sizes: 100 mg and 1 gram

Product Numbers: 14203-100; 14203-1

Product Name: NHS-LC-Biotin

Alternative Names: Succinimidyl-6-(biotinamido)hexanoate; NHS-LC-Biotin; NHS-X-Biotin; Biotin-LC-NHS; LC NHS-(+)-Biotin; C20H29N4O5S; 72040-63-2


Appearance: White Solid

Purity: is ≥ 90% (Quantitative NMR)

Storage: 4 °C, protected from moisture


Physical State: Solid

CAS#: 72040-63-2

Chemical Formula: C20H29N4O5S

Molecular Weight: 454.54

Spacer length: 22.4 Å

Tariff Code: 2934.99.9000


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