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请问:进口Biosettia品牌清关代理 美国Biosettia pLVRNAi,好用吗?188bio精品生物—专注于实验室精品爆款的电商平台 - 蚂蚁淘旗下精选188款生物医学科研用品
您好,欢迎您进入188进口试剂采购网网站! 服务热线:4000-520-616
蚂蚁淘商城 | 现货促销 | 科研狗 | 生物在线

请问:进口Biosettia品牌清关代理 美国Biosettia pLVRNAi,好用吗?


  • 我们部分客户

  • 1 : 经销商代表---国药化试,飞世尔,SIGMA等1000家左右的经销商

  • 2 : 学校代表---北京大学,清华大学,上海交通大学,复旦大学,武汉大学,厦门大学.....等200所左右大学及100多家附属医院

  • 3 : 制药公司代表 : 罗氏,阿斯利康,诺和诺德,和记黄埔,东阳光科......

  • 4 : CRO公司代表 : 睿智化学,药明康德,桑迪亚,美迪西......

Biosettia focuses on the development and commercialization of unique technologies to provide better solutions for life science research. The company endeavors to provide innovative tools and specialty reagents to aid in genome-wide functional analysis and generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). These include: single-strand RNAi technology, microRNA expression systems, normalized full-length cDNA libraries and lentiviral delivery systems. In addition to providing reagents and services to the many academic institutes, biotech and pharmaceutical companies we have extended our research and development efforts to the fields of stem cell research, identification of cancer biomarkers, and discovery of next generation drug targets


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