currentwork, membraneproperties FOperformance were investigated im-portant ...水回收率和膜 洁等:温度对正渗透工艺性能的影响污染情况随温度的变化规律,...An emerging technology sustainablesupply cleanwater. Clean Technologies ...
Americana conference是加拿大东部久负盛名的环保产业展览会之一,每两年在魁北克省蒙特利尔举办一届。宇墨咨询受到魁北克商务处的邀请,前往Americana展会为当地企业介绍洁径服务,也这是洁径迈出联结世界的第一步。
Session 1: Conference on Development of China Water Purification Industry13:00-13:20净水器的市场及其展望中国水利企业协会脱盐分会副会长,净水行业资深专家 顾久传Water Purifier Market and ProspectsGu Jiuchuan Vice President/Senior...
Mode ) 影响( Effect ) 要因( Cause ) 当前设计控制( Current Design Controls ) 发生( Occurrence ) 严重度( Severity ) 探测力( Detection ) 风险优先数( Risk Priority Number ) (RPN) Breakthrough Technologies, Inc. 2.8...
Effect of direct electric current on the cell surface properties of phenol-degrading bacteria. Applied Environ. Microbiol., 2005, 71(1): 423-427 28.张锡辉,郑振华,欧阳二明,吕洪刚. 水源水质在线监测预警系统建设. 中国给水...