罗氏是全球制药和诊断领域的领导者,致力于通过推动科学进步,改善人类生活。结合了制药和诊断两大业务的独特优势使罗氏集团成为个体化医疗的领导者 - 旨在通过个体化医疗为每一位患者提供具针对性的治疗方案。
罗氏是全球领先的生物科技公司之一,罗氏在抗肿瘤、免疫、抗感染、眼科和中枢神经系统领域拥有一流的差异化药物。 罗氏在全球体外诊断和基于组织的肿瘤诊断领域享有领导地位,同时也是糖尿病管理领域的先驱者。
自 1896 年成立以来,罗氏始终致力于不断探索更好的疾病预防、诊断和治疗方案,持续为社会做出贡献。同时,公司不遗余力地与有关的利益相关方开展合作,提升患者对于创新药物的可及性。 在世界卫生组织基本药物目录中,有 29 个罗氏开发的药品,包括用以挽救生命的抗生素、抗疟药和抗肿瘤药物。罗氏连续八年位列道琼斯指数(DJSI) 制药、生物技术和生命科学领域可持续发展的全球领导者。
罗氏总部位于瑞士巴塞尔,业务遍及全球 100 多个国家及地区。2016 年,罗氏全球员工超过94,000 名,研发投资 99 亿瑞士法郎,总销售额达 506 亿瑞士法郎。美国基因泰克公司(Genentech)是罗氏集团的全资子公司。此外,罗氏也是日本中外制药株式会社(Chugai)的控股方。
A pioneer in healthcare
We have been committed to improving lives since the company was founded in 1896 in Basel, Switzerland. Today, Roche creates innovative medicines and diagnostic tests that help millions of patients globally.
The frontrunner in personalised healthcare
Roche was one of the first companies to bring targeted treatments to patients. With our combined strength in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics, we are better equipped than any other company to further drive personalised healthcare. Two-thirds of our Research and Development projects are being developed with companion diagnostics.
The world's largest biotech company
We are the world's number 1 in biotech with 17 biopharmaceuticals on the market. Over half of the compounds in our product pipeline are biopharmaceuticals, enabling us to deliver better-targeted therapies
The global leader in cancer treatments
We have been at the forefront of cancer research and treatment for over 50 years, with medicines for breast, skin, colon, ovarian, lung and numerous other cancers
We offer doctors profound information to guide treatments and to answer more patients’ questions than any other company. And our tests enable hospitals and labs to deliver that information quickly and reliably.
We invest around 9 billion Swiss francs in Research and Development every year because innovation is our lifeblood. This is amongst the highest Research and Development spends in the world across all industries
We are a force of over 90,000 people working together across more than 100 countries. Roche is consistently ranked as employer of choice by its employees and by external institutions