【订购】蚂蚁淘生物科技 联系方式:4000-520-616
Nu-Chek has been preparing your highly purified lipid compounds both as individual standards and as model mixtures for the past 45 years.
But that’s not the entire story. We go back to times when criteria of purity was based on such things as Iodine value and melting point.
Pure Methyl Oleate was a compound that contained enough inherent Stearate and Linoleate to give the Oleate its theoretical Iodine value.
Palmitic Acid was often designated as pure when it contained enough Myristate and Stearate to give a correct melting point.
Before the advent of GLC and TLC, triglycerides were synthesized by the interesterification of what was assumed to be pure methyl ester. The reaction end product was made available to researchers as highly purified triglyceride. Of course, chromatography confirmed later that the best of these reactions never went to completion beyond 75%-80%.
Indeed, one can go on indefinitely over incorrect data which has been listed in the literature. Physical data on lipids even when listed in the handbooks is many times not valid.
Within more recent years, scientific research in the lipid field has made some fantastic progress.
Chromatography along with other sophisticated instrumentation has eliminated analysis guess work.
Only those isolated fractions which contain no detectable impurities even with large overloads (as analyzed both by GLC and TLC) are able to pass our rigid purity requirements, and in turn are made available to the scientific community for research purposes.
为满足集团公司优质客户的广泛生物材料使用需求,公司长期以来提供国际小众品牌的代采购增值服务。经过多年的经验积累和客户反馈,已经建立了成熟完善的国际采购业务平台,美东美西两大合作集货点,自有快速审批和进出口通道。现将此服务开放给广大经销商合作伙伴和全国科研工作者,致力于缩短中国与国际一线研发的差距。至今合作品牌多达300个以上,以下为部分合作品牌摘选A: AB Biosciences 、ABP Biosciences、aldevron、Almac、Altogen Biosystems americanBIO、Amsbio、ANP Technologies、Antibody Solutions、Arrayit、ARENA CHEMICAL、A.COSTANTINOB:Bel-Art、BGSC、Brooklyn Tool 、Biomatrica、Biopredic、BioControl、BioGenesC:C Technologies、Central Drug House(P) Ltd、ChemScence、CHEMTRADE、CompTech、Coriell Institute、Creative Biolabs、Computype、CraicD:D&M continuous、DiAgam、Diamond Materials、DocuSign、Dravon、Desert KingE:EdgeBio、EMC microcollections、ENVAIR、EXCEL Scientific、EMC microcollectionsF:Faucet Queen、FinaBioG:G&P Biosciences、Globe、GLO GERM、glycosynthH:hellobio、HENKE-SASS WOLF、Higgins Analytical、HJ-BIOANALYTIKI:Ivy Fine Chemicals、Invitek、Inycom Biotech、iQBIOSCIENCESJ:JCRB Cell Bank、K:Kerafast、KOAMTACL:LAB BIO、LC Labs、LigaTrap、Lighthouse data、LP ITALIANA、Lumafluor、LYTIC SOLUTIONSM:Medkoo、Maddak、MIMETAS、MiTeGenN:Neuro Prob、NextGene、nippongenetics、NORTHWEST ANALYTICS、NovaBioAssays、NU-CHEK PREPO:Orbital Biosciences 、OXITENOP:PAR、PyMOL、Pharmaffiliates、Panagene、Pel Freez、PFEnex、Polylc、Proliant BiologicalsR:Riken、RANKIN、RatiolabS:SRL、SPD Scientific、Sanquin、Sbio、Scarab Genomics、Simport、SOVICELL、Starna cellsT:TSC、Tower optical corporation、TwistDx、TEKnova、Transposagen、Tribioscience、TriLinkU:UltivueX:ximbioZ:Zymesci特殊类别细胞:Riken、JCRB Cell Bank、Kerafast、软件:DocuSign、GraphPad、PyMOL、Craic、NextGene、Lighthouse data进口流程(此处以Amsbio为例,实际不同品牌不同产品类型所涉及流程稍有不同)免责申明1. 本公司并非以上各个品牌在中国区代理商,仅提供产品代理采购业务。2. 本公司承诺所采购产品来自品牌厂家,并可提供相关进口证明。3. 本公司保证全程采用官方指定运输条件进行产品运输。4. 本公司对所委托进口产品品质不做任何担保,如遇质量问题,本公司可协助客户与品牌方进行协商处理售后问题。5. 本公司因仅负责产品代购,因此不做任何技术支持,如采购,我们会提供产品相关的网页链接,可自行查看和下载产品相关的所有信息和技术资料。代采服务咨询如您有海外代采需求,请通过如下任意方式联系我们,并告知产品相关信息,我们将会在24小时之内和您联系。邮箱:info@ebiomall.comQQ:1570468124手机:18915418616(微信同号)电话:0512-67156496 或扫描微信联系我们苏州蚂蚁淘生物科技有限公司简介依托于集团公司深厚的资源和超过400家国内优质客户群体,生命科学领域一站式供应链体系,以及高风险生物材料进出口平台的优势,蚂蚁淘生物严格筛选国际创新且经过同行验证过的产品和技术,引入中国市场,开发、孵育和推广。自公司成立以来,与海外一线品牌建立了长期的交流与合作关系,其中包括多家国际著名细胞和菌种保藏中心。仅2019年内,蚂蚁淘生物接受国内制药企业、科研机构、检测机构和大专院校等单位的委托,从近150个品牌引进各类生物试剂,其中不乏包括细胞株 ,慢病毒,人体组织切片,血液制品等特种试剂。公司与北京中关村联合创新(绿通北平台)建立了长期的交流与合作关系,可为国内客户提供进口代理业务,完成一站式前置审批、风险评估、检疫审批、清关查验、物流仓储等工作。本公司特殊物品进口业务,严格遵守国家相关政策和法规流程,致力于为各单位提供更安全、更专业、更便捷的服务。
Nu-Chek has been preparing your highly purified lipid compounds both as individual standards and as model mixtures for the past 45 years.But that’s not the entire story. We go back to times when criteria of purity was based on such things as Iodine value and melting point.Pure Methyl Oleate was a compound that contained enough inherent Stearate and Linoleate to give the Oleate its theoretical Iodine value.Palmitic Acid was often designated as pure when it contained enough Myristate and Stearate to give a correct melting point.Before the advent of GLC and TLC, triglycerides were synthesized by the interesterification of what was assumed to be pure methyl ester. The reaction end product was made available to researchers as highly purified triglyceride. Of course, chromatography confirmed later that the best of these reactions never went to completion beyond 75%-80%.Indeed, one can go on indefinitely over incorrect data which has been listed in the literature. Physical data on lipids even when listed in the handbooks is many times not valid.Within more recent years, scientific research in the lipid field has made some fantastic progress.Chromatography along with other sophisticated instrumentation has eliminated analysis guess work.Only those isolated fractions which contain no detectable impurities even with large overloads (as analyzed both by GLC and TLC) are able to pass our rigid purity requirements, and in turn are made available to the scientific community for research purposes.